In the midst of the murder mystery game, one can't help but feel the weight of the relentless pressure to deceive and outsmart others, the mistrust and strained relationships bred from the game. Suspicion hangs heavy in the air, poisoning even the most innocent interactions. The constant need to strategize and manipulate can lead to anxiety and a sense of isolation in some groups. Could such investigation be transformed into something more collaborative in nature? The short answer is YES!
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Credits: Unsplash, Francisco Moreno
Stepping into the world of competitive murder mystery, where the atmosphere crackles with tension and cunning minds clash in a battle of wits, it is abnormal for any player to sit through consecutive sessions of murder mystery game without experiencing mental and physical exhaustion. We understand first-hand that these factors could be the reason why some groups are reluctant to play murder mystery games despite its great allure:
1. Individual Objectives
In competitive murder mystery games, each player typically has their own individual objectives. Players are encouraged to work towards achieving their personal goals, which may involve finding evidence, solving the mystery, or even attempting to deceive other players. The focus is on individual protection and outsmarting opponents.
2. Concealing Information
Players in competitive murder mystery games often need to withhold or manipulate information to maintain an advantage. Lying and deception play a significant role as players try to mislead others and protect their own interests. (Learn some tricks to be a good Murderer player here) The emphasis is on individual strategies and tactics to outwit opponents. Therefore, players may find it difficult to trust each other, leading to suspicion and strained relationships. Although alliances may be beneficial in such game play, they rarely sustain constant provocation and could be complete impossible due to irrational human behaviour.
3. Suspicion and Accusations
As players uncover clues and gather information, suspicion and accusations are common in competitive murder mystery games. Players try to identify the murderer while protecting themselves from false accusations. The gameplay revolves around deducing who can be trusted and making calculated decisions about whom to accuse. Some may even feel that competitive murder mystery often celebrates individual brilliance rather than group strategic thinking.

Credits: Unsplash, Afif Ramdhasuma
But fear not, for there is a complementary game experience that embraces collaboration and offers a fresh perspective on crime-solving: AveLIVEX introduces a brand new game mode under the same game narrative - "The Lost Tomb of the Queen" Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) Mode.

Credits: AveLIVEX
Contrasting the competitive nature of Murder Mystery game, here are some ways CSI mode may be more friendly for collaborative game play:
1. Teamwork and Cooperation
Collaborative crime scene investigation games focus on teamwork and cooperation as everyone in the team will be playing as the same role: The Detective. Players work together as a team to solve the mystery and uncover the truth behind the crime. Communication, information sharing, and collaboration are key components of the gameplay. Formulate theory and make sound deduction through these few helpful guides!
2. Shared Objectives
In collaborative CSI mode, all players have a shared objective of solving the crime and catching the final culprit. There are no individual goals or hidden agendas. The emphasis is on pooling resources, brainstorming ideas, and collectively working towards solving the mystery.

Credits: Unsplash, Hannah Busing
3. Information Sharing
Unlike competitive games, collaborative crime scene investigation games encourage players to share information openly. Players communicate their findings, discuss theories, and collectively analyze clues. Transparency and cooperation are crucial for piecing together the puzzle.
4. Puzzle-Solving and Critical Thinking
Since there is no suspect amongst the players, will this be a read-only game? Of course no! In this game mode, all suspects are now transformed into Non-Playable Characters with scripted interactions for your interrogation and inquisition. Similar to murder mystery game experience, character room and body searches will still be conducted by the players to sniff out useful evidence and gather clues.
Collaborative games often require players to engage in critical thinking, problem-solving, and logical deduction. The focus is on analyzing evidence, connecting dots, and collectively arriving at conclusions. The gameplay is centered around collaborative decision-making and utilizing the diverse skills and perspectives of team members.
Ultimately, the main difference between competitive murder mystery games and collaborative crime scene investigation games lies in the dynamics of player interaction. Competitive games emphasize individual strategies, deception, and competition, while collaborative games foster teamwork, information sharing, and collective problem-solving. The choice between these two experiences depends on personal preferences and the desired gameplay atmosphere.

Credits: Unsplash, Robert Anasch
Your time to be in a real CSI!
Intrigued? Time to grab your tickets here now while the early bird promotion is still on by 19 June 2023!
Want to know what lies ahead if you have purchased your ticket for the Lost Tomb of the Queen experience? Check out this article now!
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